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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

IT Skills & Databases by Building

Real World Projects

The ultimate destination for an easy, simple, and to-the-point learning platform related to IT Skills and Solutions that enhance and empower with Ultimate project-based tech resources. Unlock the potential in the dynamic field of IT.

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Building an Expense Approval System in MS Access

Building Expense Approval System

An Expense approval system also known as Expense Management is a crucial tool organizations use to manage and control their spending. This system streamlines the process of requesting, reviewing, and approving expenses incurred for business purposes.

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Building a CRUD System in MS Access

Building CRUD System in MS Access

The term CRUD is an abbreviation for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. It is an essential concept in database management systems, encompassing the four fundamental functions that are implemented to manage data. These operations are the foundation of any data-driven…

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Excellent job on your content! Your hard work is praiseworthy, and I am looking forward to gaining more knowledge from this platform’s upcoming insights.


Stunning abilities with the code. Very good…this is my first run through and already my excitement meter is pegging out. Many improvements coming for my current project, as well completing this endeavor!
