Category MS Access Projects

Microsoft Access is a well-known, user-friendly database management system. Welcome to innovated projects building tables, queries, forms, reports, modules, and VBA Coding with source codes.

Front Desk Reception Record Keeping System

How to Build a Simple Front Desk Reception System in Access

The front desk reception system is the first level of record-keeping in any organization. From large-scale corporations to small businesses, keeping track of organized and precise records is imperative for seamless business operation and adherence to industry regulations.
Building Expense Approval System

Building an Expense Approval System in MS Access

An Expense approval system also known as Expense Management is a crucial tool organizations use to manage and control their spending. This system streamlines the process of requesting, reviewing, and approving expenses incurred for business purposes.
Budget control with Expense Management

Part 3 – Take Budget Control with Expense Management

In Part 3 of our “Budget and Expense Tracking” series, we will explore the power of expense management. You can take budget control with expense management, analyze your financial data, categorize your spending patterns, and gain actionable insights.
Setting Up Budget Tracking System

Part 1 – Setting Up Your Budget Tracking System

Take control of your spending starts with understanding where your money goes. In this first part of our “Budget and Expense Tracking” series, we’ll guide you through the essential steps of setting up your budget tracking system in MS Access.