Building an Expense Approval System in MS Access

An Expense approval system also known as Expense Management is a crucial tool organizations use to manage and control their spending. This system streamlines the process of requesting, reviewing, and approving expenses incurred for business purposes. Efficient expense management is essential for maintaining financial health, ensuring compliance with policies and regulations, and optimizing resource allocation.

Importance of Expense Approval System

There are several benefits of expense approval system:

Control and Visibility

Expense Approval Systems offer organizations an opportunity to monitor their spending in real-time, which helps them to track expenses effectively and identify cost-saving opportunities. Such systems assist in controlling expenses and avoiding overspending by implementing spending limits and approval workflows.

Processes Efficiency

Manual expense entries and managing the process is often time-consuming and prone to errors. Expense Approval System automates the processes, saving time and efforts of the users and financial management teams.

Cost Control

Organizations can improve their financial health and operational efficiency by monitoring their spending patterns and trends in real-time. This enables them to identify areas where costs can be reduced or optimized. An Expense Approval System with cost control features can help organizations maintain fiscal discipline, maximize resources, and achieve their financial objectives.

Building with Source Code

It is highly recommended to watch the Multi User Expense Approval System Playlist on YouTube.

The project, Expense Approval System, is divided into two parts. All Access VBA’s source codes are available in the relevant part next to this blog. Please follow the links to get a step-by-step guide on how to build.

  • Setting Up Your Expense Approval System
  • Building Powerful Dashboard


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