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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
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That sounds a clear picture of grouping, the idea and efforts are appreciated. Contact info would be better in place of just a Phone Number.
@arseyguy It is fine, if you are not willing to open a form in dialog mode. If you want to open multiple forms within a single form based on multiple ...
You are on Auto mode. Glad it resolved.
First of all, there is no need to create a separate query to get the count of OrderIsInvoiced. It is a numeric(Integer) type of field and you are usin...
@arseyguy Why you are not opening a form in dialog mode after clicking on the phone number rather than to use "browse to"? Even you succeed, how you w...
Hi there, I have showed you the simplest way, killed two birds with one stone. It means while selecting the customer from the drop down, data has alre...
Thanks for sharing this wonderful information. I have tried different methods including the one you have described. You know the indication of typical...
There was a missing comma in the previous post. Let me explain DoCmd.BrowseTo acBrowseToForm, "CustomerMain", , "CustomerID=" & Me.CustomerID ...
Please try this exactly docmd.BrowseTo acBrowseToForm "CustomerMain",,"CustomerID="&Me.CustomerID
After your statement, you are missing the reference of the ID. ,,"id="&refID refID referred to your current ID
Welcome on board. This forum is in existence because of you. Your eloquence is to be appreciated and wants you to continue your evolution with us. Thi...