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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Welcome to a very important method to search records using Number Values (Numeric Input). For example, sometimes we need to analyze the age or salaries of the employees with factors of Greater Than and Less Than, in this blog, we will go through a complete process on how to do this.
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We will use the [Age] column in the Employees’ data.
A textbox and a button are required in your form. Name the textbox and button. Start VBA coding from the “On Click” event of the button. Here is the code:
Private Sub CmdSearch5_Click()
Dim strGenderGFind As String
strGenderGFind = "[Age] = " & Me.Search5
Me.Form.Filter = strGenderGFind
Me.Form.FilterOn = True
End Sub
Use a Combo box drop-down list with the textbox and put the manual values of “All, Greater Than, and Less Than” as list items for the combo box.
Start VBA coding from the “On Click” event of the button. Here is the code:
Private Sub CmdSearch5_Click()
If Me.txtAgeFactor = "None" Then
Me.Search5 = Null
Me.Form.FilterOn = False
If Me.txtAgeFactor = "Greater Than" Then
Dim strGenderGFind As String
strGenderGFind = "[Age] > " & Me.Search5
Me.Form.Filter = strGenderGFind
Me.Form.FilterOn = True
If Me.txtAgeFactor = "Less Than" Then
Dim strGenderLFind As String
strGenderLFind = "[Age] < " & Me.Search5
Me.Form.Filter = strGenderLFind
Me.Form.FilterOn = True
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
To get the outcome of the desired records in between 2 numeric values, you need to create 2 textboxes and label them as a “Greater Than” value and a “Less Than” value.
Create a button and apply this VBA code:
Private Sub CmdSearch6_Click()
Dim strGenderFind As String
strGenderFind = "[Age] > " & Me.Search6A & "AND [Age] <" & Me.Search6B
Me.Form.Filter = strGenderFind
Me.Form.FilterOn = True
End Sub