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Microsoft Access | The Best Windows-Based Database Tool

Microsoft Access is a well-known, user-friendly database management system produced by Microsoft, seamlessly integrated into the Windows environment, and is part of the Microsoft 365 Office suite. Microsoft Access Database is a popular choice for small business management, where it can be used to manage financial transactions, track sales & inventory, and generate reports. Microsoft Access combines Microsoft’s relational Jet Database Engine with software development tools and a graphic user interface (GUI). It was first released in November 1992, so it’s been around for a while. In the rapidly changing, fast-paced IT world, we can best describe a 30-year-old program as “venerable.”

Microsoft Access

As businesses continue to grow, the amount of data being generated increases significantly on a daily basis. This has led to a lot of attention being focused on various database tools, as having the right tools can provide the most efficient means of working with the current massive data glut and making things more manageable. This versatile tool organizes, analyses, and visualizes the data to empower businesses across various industries which is described later in this article.

It is unlike Microsoft Excel

As a part of Microsoft Office Suite, It has a different structure than Microsoft Excel.
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet utility based on worksheets and cells to perform relatively simple calculations and apply formulas for individual projects.

  • Users type information in the form of data directly into spreadsheets. Each file of Excel can contain many worksheets like the physical one used in offices where manual pages are inserted.
    Access databases rely on pre-made tables, queries, and forms.
  • Due to Access’s programming database structure, it is hard to learn as compared to Excel.
  • Here comes the backend (Raw data storage) and the frontend (Forms for data entry) in Access
  • It can be used in the standalone form as an application or to split into integrated backend and frontend files
  • Accessible in the network-sharing environment without any extra connectivity
  • Relatively flexible structure to customize as per business need
  • It has a large data storage capacity because it can handle manipulation and data storing
  • Access emphasizes accuracy and efficiency
  • One of the excellent flexibility examples is that Access forms can be integrated with the Excel worksheets and files and backend data storage and retrieval (It is possible but not good sometimes due to the restriction of Excel file open restrictions, there is an out-of-box solution for integration with Access like Microsoft SQL Server)
  • Multiple users can work on the same database simultaneously and use it to retrieve reports
  •  Access handles all types of data, including text, numbers, date, time, currency, objects, images, etc. for collecting and sorting data
  • Access functioned to deal with multiple relational tables and queries
  • The powerful structure of Microsoft SQL Server can be used as a backend server with Access database development
  • Last but not least, Access requires less coding for structuring forms and generating queries and reports as compared to other language barrier languages like HTML, and PHP.

The Components & Structure of Microsoft Access

  • Tables
  • Relations
  • Queries
  • Forms
  • Reports
  • Macros
  • Modules

1. Tables

Tables in Access are somehow like the cells in the Excel worksheet with headings columns and rows.
Each table field contains a specific data type like text, numbers, currency, date, time, object, etc. Defining the format of each data type category makes Access more specific and summarized. The ID-based primary key field is used to quickly associate data from multiple tables and combine that data in a meaningful form.

2. Relations

The data in one table is related to the data in another table or tables. The relationship is used to cross-reference data information between tables. This can be done simply by drag and drop. In general, tables can be related in one of these three different ways:
One-to-one relationship
One-to-many relationship (mostly used)
Many-to-many relationship

3. Forms

Forms are the handiest source for entering information in database tables. Unlike Excel’s spreadsheet, forms are the best way to enter data without showing the complete data.

4. Reports

Reports offer a way to view, format, and summarize the final form of data in the Access database to share print or to export in different other formats like PDF, HTML, etc.

5. Macros

Macro is a tiny tool that allows you to automate tasks and adds some functionality to the forms and reports.

6. Modules

The coding part is written in VBA code where user-defined functions and global variables are declared to use anywhere in the database.

The Uses of Microsoft Access

The database projects are the practical implementation of some of the following frequent uses of Microsoft Access:

1. Small to Medium Business Management

MS Access is a popular choice for small business management, where it can be used to manage financial transactions, track sales & inventory, and generate reports.

2. Data Storage & Retrieval

MS Access is used to store large amounts of data in an organized and efficient manner and retrieve them in the form of reports of export to other formats. It allows you to create tables, queries, forms, and reports to manage data.

3. Inventory Management

MS Access is commonly used for inventory management, where it can be used to track items, their location, and other important details. It can also be used to create purchase orders and track sales.

4. Customer Relationship

MS Access can be used for customer relationships, where it can be used to store customer information, track interactions, and generate reports.

5. Project Management

MS Access can be used for project management, where it can be used to track tasks, milestones, and resources. It can also be used to generate reports on project progress.

6. Human Resource Management

MS Access can be used for HR management, where it can be used to store employee information and their salaries and benefits, track performance, and generate reports.

7. Event Planning

MS Access can be used for event planning, where it can be used to manage guest lists, track RSVPs, and generate reports on event attendance.

Microsoft Access Versions

  • Microsoft Access 2021
  • Version 16 Microsoft Access 2019
  • Version 16 Microsoft Access 2016
  • Version 16 Microsoft Access 2013
  • Version 15 Microsoft Access 2010
  • Version 14 Microsoft Access 2007
  • Version 12 Microsoft Access 2003
  • Version 11 Microsoft Access 2002
  • Version 10 Microsoft Access 2000
  • Version 9 Microsoft Access 97 Version 8
  • Microsoft Access 95 Version 7
  • Microsoft Access 2
  • Microsoft Access 1.1
  • Microsoft Access 1.0

Unlock the Secrets of Microsoft Access

Hence almost every small to large business organization uses spreadsheet applications like Microsoft Excel for the basic data tasks and calculations. On the other hand, Excel Forms are not useful for users in the sense of data entry and retrieval functionality due to limitations such as the lack of multi-user interaction with the same file and data security concerns.

Here comes Microsoft Access which manages data entry integration with the Excel spreadsheets as the backend operation.

The above-described feature is one of the most likely other powerful backend server table integrations like SQL, and MySQL.

The most brilliant feature of Access is the data Split functionality which splits the backend tables and front end with separate files and integrates between files. It makes the database more flexible with these outstanding features:

  • Makes data secure
  • Reducing the size of the front end
  • Easy distribution of front-end files amongst various users
  • Multiple front-end interfaces for each workplace
  • Able to manage data backups easily
  • Unlock the possibilities of a Network-based Server and Client distribution

Look at some of the other stunning features of Access below:

  • Integrated automation of limitless emailing through Microsoft Outlook
  • Set auto-scheduled reminders based on data like low stock intimation, client appointments, etc.
  • Almost all modern file format exporting is possible like PDF, XLSX, XML, etc.



The concluded summary is that Microsoft Access can be the premier choice for Windows-based database management. It can be a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes due to its user-friendly, strong features and seamless integration with Windows.
With Skillheader, you can be a master in building Microsoft Access databases through its practically implemented projects. Share your thoughts and join the Microsoft Access Database Management System tools projects section.