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How to Apply VBA Coding Dark Theme in Access

The ordinary white background with the font name “Courier” in the MS Access VBA Coding environment can be transformed into a dark background with colored code font. The process to apply VBA Coding Dark Theme in Access is an easy and simple method.

The idea behind that is the Microsoft VS Code dark coding environment. These are a few key features to adopt such coding experience:

  • Syntax Highlighting: Colorize code elements for better readability.
  • Customizable Fonts: Choose easy-to-read fonts with adjustable size and spacing.
  • Bracket Matching: Highlight matching brackets or parentheses.
  • Accessibility Options: Color contrast adjustment and screen reader compatibility.
VS Code dark theme example

Steps for VBA Coding Dark Theme

MS Access VBA code window
MS Access VBA Code Dark

To achieve this, select “Options” from the “Tools” menu of Visual Basic for Application window. Under the “Editor Format” tab, you will find Code Colors to select different color combinations regarding Foreground and Background.

On the right side, Font and Size can be selected.

Code Color Combination

These are the best color code combinations you can apply:

CodeForeground ColorBackground Color
Normal TextWhiteBlack
Selection TextBlackGrey
Syntax Error TextRedBlack
Execution Point TextDefaultDefault
Breakpoint TextDefaultDefault
Comment TextLight GreenBlack
Keyword TextPurpleBlack
Identifier TextSky BlueBlack
Bookmark TextGreyWhite
Call Return TextDefaultDefault

VBA Code Colors combination for Dark Experience

Font Selection and Size (Easy to Read)

Several fonts can be selected, but here is the most prominent and easy-to-read font selected after several tests. The font name is “Hack”. You can download this font, install it into the Font Directory of your Windows, and select it from the VBA Editor Format window.

Download Hack Font for free

The selection of Font Size depends on the screen resolution. You can choose the best for visibility.